
Bricsys teams up with Vrex to accelerate VR workflow

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Users can create detailed models in BricsCAD BIM and export to Vrex in shared virtual space

Bricsys is collaborating with VR platform Vrex so users of BricsCAD BIM can more easily export models to the Vrex Virtual Reality (VR) platform.

The enhanced workflow is designed to enable architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) companies to streamline collaboration between the multiple stakeholders working together on a project in VR.  Users can virtually meet inside the model, perform visual inspections and exchange buildings and project data from ‘any location’.

Both platforms support the exchange of BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) issues via interface services such as BIM Track, BIMsync and BIMcollab. According to Bricsys, this allows for the easy communication of issues emerging during the virtual meeting to be resolved within BricsCAD BIM.

“Vrex integrating with BricsCAD is another step towards the global BIM integration we want to achieve,” said Hans Fredrik Johansen, CEO of Vrex. “With Vrex-BricsCAD anyone, regardless of their experience level, can step into the 3D model and understand them instantly. It allows for crystal clear communication across teams and seamless collaboration in a virtual reality environment.”

Vrex also offers integrations with Autodesk BIM 360, Autodesk Navisworks, StreamBIM and Aconex. In addition to BIM data, Vrex supports point clouds, which can be used for QC/QA workflows.


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