Bentley acquires reality modelling specialist Acute3D

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Acute3D’s Smart3DCapture software creates 3D models from photos – scope for it to be used to compare existing conditions to design and construction models

Bentley Systems has acquired France-based Acute3D, the developer of Smart3DCapture, a software tool that can automatically produce high-resolution 3D models from photographs. Bentley sees the software playing a major role in surveying, construction monitoring, and inspection workflows using photo sequences captured from UAVs.

Acute3D’s reality modelling software is said to be scalable from site to city, and with precision limited only by the quantity and quality of photography. The technology can be used to compare existing conditions throughout the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations of any infrastructure asset.

“The world-class Acute3D developers have already achieved two breakthroughs, which remove the barriers to the adoption of reality modelling. First, Acute3D has made it possible for anyone to sufficiently capture existing conditions with just a camera,” said Bentley Systems founder and CTO, Keith Bentley. “Of equal importance is the value of the Acute3D result. Rather than a voluminous cloud of discrete points, Acute3D produces a 3D ‘reality mesh’ – intrinsically in the same geometric idiom as engineering models, readily aligning the real-world context.

“Just as Acute3D’s innovations have now brought reality modelling within reach of every infrastructure professional, we and our new colleagues are excited to be working together to incorporate Acute3D functionality throughout our platform and application portfolio, enhancing information mobility throughout infrastructure asset lifecycles.”

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