ADT Toolbox V2

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Just under 18 months ago, CADlogic launched a new product to help make Architectural Desktop more accessible and relevant to the UK architectural community. Greg Corke reports on a new version of ADT Toolbox.

Product: ADT Toolbox V2
Supplier: CADlogic
Price: ú395

ADT Toolbox was originally designed to increase the functionality and ease-of-use of Architectural Desktop (ADT) by providing tailoring and localisation, specific to the UK market. The first release delivered an intelligent, visual front-end for ADT, with clear pictorial dialogue boxes, for creating wall styles (external, internal and cladded), door and window styles, wall end caps and lintels – as well as extensive libraries of parametric component drawings in 2D for making up both building sections and structural steelwork.

What’s new for V2

The new release, launched at the beginning of the year, picks up where version one left off and adds depth to the product’s functionality and its ability to integrate with other solutions in the CADlogic portfolio. With the new version 3D cladding profiles, horizontal or vertical, can be affixed to any wall in ADT. Footings are also now included as an option in wall styles, and wall section drawings can be created automatically from any ADT Toolbox wall. For studded walls detailed stud partitioning can be automatically added, with the option to generate a bill-of materials for the timber framing. In addition, decorative 3D detailing is now offered for the external angle of walls, as well as stonework detailing around wall openings.

" While many predicted the quick demise of ADT once Autodesk bought Revit, it would seem the product still has a significant role to play "

Symbols are now given a greater emphasis in ADT Toolbox, with Version 2 adding full 3D editable trusses, plus hundreds of new 2D architectural symbols, the majority of which are parametric.

While these core enhancements add significant depth to ADT Toolbox, what may well be of more interest – particularly for those in multi-platform environments – is the new ability to convert 2D drawings from CADlogic’s AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT add-ons, Architect 2000 and LT Architect into an ADT model, and back again.


While many predicted the quick demise of ADT once Autodesk bought Revit, it would seem the product still has a significant role to play, and if complementary solutions like ADT Toolbox help make it more accessible to new users, or indeed existing customers who are still finding it hard to get to grips with, then that’s no bad thing.



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