New research into future automation of building code checks

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The Digital Compliance Network (D-COM), funded by the Centre for Digital Built Britain, is seeking participants for a study that explores how automation could assist in the auditing, checking and compliance of regulations, standards and requirements that govern the entire lifecycle of the built environment.

The checking of compliance against these requirements is a complex task, that is currently performed on a manual basis, thus is highly resource intensive. Thus, the digitalisation of requirements/regulations and the development of (semi) automated compliance checking systems is seen as an important area of study.

By gathering industry views and requirements through a short online survey, researchers at D-COM hope to understand the present capabilities, short falls and efficacy of compliance systems along with the current attitudes and industry readiness for the digitisation of regulations and compliance checking. Additionally, the research will attempt to elicit the opportunities and blockers in the development of these technologies.

The findings of the study will be published in a report and there will be opportunity for those who contributed to the study to participate in the D-COM consultation event later in the year.

The Centre for Digital Built Britain is a partnership with the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the University of Cambridge that aims to deliver a smart digital economy for infrastructure and construction for the future and transform the UK construction industry’s approach to the way we plan, build, maintain and use our social and economic infrastructure.




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