NEWS: Cloudalize offers ‘instant cloud deployment’ for BIM

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Technology start-up’s TryBIM trial service offers AEC firms low risk way to experience its cloud BIM solution

TryBIM is a new trial service from Cloudalize that allows AEC firms to test-drive the company’s cloud computing platform GDaaS (GPU Desktop-as-a-Service).

The service combines virtual desktops powered by Nvidia GRID GPUs and a Revit cloud server, all pre-installed and pre-configured for the user.

According to Cloudalize, Information Communications Technology (ICT) and the risks that AEC firms face by having to radically restructure their IT infrastructure is a key roadblock to BIM adoption. The company says GDaaS solves this problem by allowing AEC firms to instantly deploy virtual workstations in the cloud through a simple, self-servicing web portal.

“Cloudalize is instantly empowering the AEC industry to deploy full ICT environments for several BIM project partners in a very flexible and cost-effective way,” explains Benny Willen, CEO and Co-founder of Cloudalize. “Now, thanks to TryBIM, firms can get hands-on with GDaaS and evaluate it for themselves.”

“Architects, engineers and designers can now access any application on any device from any location,” adds Sarah Mannion, Nvidia GRID Senior Business Manager. “The power of Nvidia GRID graphics virtualisation technology means GDaaS desktops have the ability to handle core AEC applications like Autodesk Revit without compromising application performance.”

For a trial, go to and select ‘TryBIM.’

To learn more about GDaaS read this article where Karl Van Nieuwenhuyse, BIM manager at the Willemen Groep, shares his experiences of running Autodesk Revit in Cloudalize’s cloud desktop platform.


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