Bentley Systems offers free access to ProjectWise 365

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Subscription fees for the collaboration and design review solution waived for six months to support infrastructure professionals working from home

Bentley Systems is waiving subscription fees for its ProjectWise 365 cloud service, until September 30, 2020, to help virtually connect infrastructure project participants forced to work from home.

ProjectWise 365 uses Microsoft 365 technology and office productivity tools to extend the reach and accessibility of BIM and infrastructure engineering data for collaboration and design review.

The “instant-on” cloud service can be accessed through a web browser to help simplify design review, transmittals, RFIs, information sharing, and issues resolution.

“The present work-from-home conditions and coordination with multiple parties highlight how critical it is to our business and our role as prime consultant on projects, that our project teams always stay connected and productive,” said Gregory J. Ellwanger, P.E, Project Engineer for BLA, Inc.. “ProjectWise 365 cloud services enable us to rapidly deploy a common BIM collaboration environment that avoids the data silos, coordination delays, and the other limitations we’ve experienced while using network drives, file-sharing services, and email.

“ProjectWise 365 allows us to coordinate designs more quickly and reduce risk in contractual exchanges, regardless of the location of project participants, adding resilience to our design practice and increasing our ability to deliver high-quality projects on schedule.”

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