AEC Magazine

Spring edition of AEC Magazine out now

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In our bumper March/April edition of AEC Magazine, we put the spotlight on digital fabrication:

  • We ask if today’s design-centric BIM solutions are the right tools for digital construction / fabrication and is architecture the right discipline to take this on?
  • We explore the rise of AI and robotics and the fall of BIM.
  • We probe Autodesk’s efforts and future vision for Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA).
  • We investigate how Strucsoft is extending the capabilties of Revit from design & documentation to fabrication.
  • We examine the role that Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), a process that’s so important for many manufacturing firms, could play in the evolving AEC industry.

We also offer analysis on six big news stories that we think will reshape our industry.

With Autodesk’s acquisition of water specialist firm Innovyze and Bentley Systems’ purchase of geo modelling and analysis specialist Seequent, the gold rush for the digital twin market seems to be (perhaps fittingly) happening all underground.

Meanwhile, as Epic Games acquires photogrammetry software developer Capturing Reality and Unity acquires mixed reality for construction specialist VisualLive, the real time engine rivals are addressing the challenge of providing real-world context for design from opposite angles.

We’ve also got some incredible in-depth features in the magazine, with an amazing spread of AEC tech features and reviews covering topics like generative design, BIM, arch-viz, workstations, construction, VR, digital twins, reality modelling and more.

Read the March / April edition here:

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