NEWS: Autodesk extends InfraWorks 360 and cuts price

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Dedicated roadway, bridge and drainage design modules now included free with the reduced price BIM for Infrastructure tool

Autodesk has made significant changes to the pricing and packaging of InfraWorks 360, its early stage engineering and design tool for infrastructure projects.

Capabilities that were previously found separately in the vertical application modules – Road Design, Drainage Design and Bridge Design – are now included in one InfraWorks 360 package.

The overall subscription cost for InfraWorks 360 has also been reduced. Autodesk says lowering the price of entry will give many of its existing Civil 3D customers the opportunity to attach InfraWorks 360 to their traditional CAD-based workflows and improve their productivity through enhanced BIM workflows.

Autodesk says InfraWorks 360 helps engineers generate more accurate preliminary design proposals, in context, at the appropriate level of detail to better predict how alternatives may perform within the built environment.

The software can aggregate a wide range of data (including existing 2D CAD, 3D model, GIS and raster data; as well as LiDAR and photogrammetry input captured in the field). That input can then be used to quickly create a 3D model to design within the context of reality. This, says Autodesk, helps users more effectively communicate intent to key project stakeholders.

BIM models can also be taken downstream into design and construction, says Autodesk, with InfraWorks 360 helping minimise the loss of critical information as the model matures through the various phases of an assets lifecycle.


On Wednesday, February 10, Autodesk will be hosting a webcast, showcasing these changes and going through what’s new in the latest release of InfraWorks 360.

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