NEWS: Collaborative tool to aid urban development planning

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Planning Information Modelling (PIM) software from Atkins will help stakeholder engagement

A new digital tool to help stakeholders collaborate on sustainable urban growth is being developed by an Atkins team in Stockholm, Sweden. The Planning Information Modelling (PIM) software is designed to make it easier for urban planners to engage with politicians, government departments, consultants and the public to help significantly speed up the planning process.

The shared multidisciplinary platform will support planning and upgrades in public transport, recreational areas, public buildings, water and waste technology and noise pollution.

Elias Prokofiev, urban planning and environment consultant at Atkins, said, “Imagine the collaboration of urban planners with engineers, civil and technical experts, real estate developers and politicians within the same platform. Design changes can be immediately reflected on plans and end the need for the exporting, importing, re-calculating and re-sharing of documents. It will create a greater understanding for dependencies between the parameters.

”Currently in development, the long-term goal for the integrated PIM platform is to connect various technical, economic and social urban planning disciplines to the 3D base tool. Any developer will be able to create extensions to the tool within their field of expertise, increasing the number of parameters for users to consider. This allows for more complex operations and high-detail analysis, resulting in viable proposals for the built environment of the future.

The project is funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency as a part of a four-year €7 million government program to support innovations in city planning.

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