NEWS: Concerto tunes BIM-enabled project and asset management tool

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Concerto’s Integrated Project and Asset Management Solution supports the BIM Common Data Environment

The Concerto CDE (Common Data Environment) BIM tool is designed to allow users to validate, share and collaborate BIM documentation and 3D models in a browser with no need for a plug-in. The software helps users understand the performance of their assets with centralised costing and performance information drawn from validated data.

Concerto says it can offer a complete BIM enabled common data environment for the entire lifecycle of your assets – spanning from the project side-initial inception, design and build, right through to FM / operational management.

In addition, the software’s automated validation process is said to ensure that the data carried through the life of the asset is approved data and correct for use during the operational phase.

“Our solutions allow people see the environment without having to jump from other pieces of viewing software and can render information within a web based project environment without leaving it,” explains Greg Davies, Concerto’s Operations Director. “A single integrated solution also means a complete picture of what has been spent in terms of revenue and capital can be easily generated to give a full lifecycle picture of how much that asset has cost over its lifetime.

“Although our solutions can be employed separately, the best solution by far is to have your asset management system joined to your project system where everyone can be trained on one, single system. Also, once asset information is signed off and validated, with an audit trail to show that process, then this can just be migrated across to a particular asset at the click of button based upon the data drop that its been dropped into. No imports or exports just the click of a button.”

The Concerto solution is also said to ensure COBie data drops, and other project files, are reviewed and validated at each stage, to carry quality data through the project to be seamlessly handed over to the operational phase for long term use. The company says its system also takes a COBie file and renders it in a meaningful way.



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