Watch NXT BLD 2022 free on-demand

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NXT BLD 2022, AEC Magazine’s annual future gazing technology conference took place in London on 21 June.

For your viewing pleasure, you can now watch all the presentations on-demand – completely free.

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Check out the highlights below

Greg Schleusner // HOK

On a Road to Nowhere?

Michael Marks // Celesta Capital

The day after tomorrow: transforming building production


Chris Ruffo & Jeff Wood // Lenovo

A very special product announcement


Hedwig Heinsman // Aectual & DUS Architects

Circular Architecture-as-a-Service

Felipe Manzatucci // Skanska

Real time decision making in construction

Ken Pimentel // Epic Games

Convergence: the intersection of reality with the virtual

Samuel Leder // University of Stuttgart

Architecture-specific distributed robotic systems

Maria Yablonina // University of Toronto

Designing (with) Machines

Jonathan Stephens // Everypoint

From Laser scanning to Magic

Oskar Stålberg // Independent Video Game Developer

A tour of Townscaper

Conor Black // Arup

Post-Parametric Design

Mollie Claypool // Automated Architecture

Automated Architecture


Dr. Fang Xu // Foster + Partners

Designing through the Magic Lens of Real-Time Tools


Emma Hooper // Bond Bryan Digital

Information models and the future of IFC

Mike Leach // Lenovo

Technology Revolution vs. Evolution

Chris Mcleod // NVIDIA

Harness the power of Omniverse Enterprise to enhance your existing workflows

Joel Hutchines //

Moving beyond DfMA to Design for Constructability


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