Video: NXT BLD 2018 London conference – Andrei Jipa, ETH Zurich

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Smart Concrete – NXT BLD London, June 2018


Andrei Jipa is a PhD researcher at ETH Zurich, an exceptional STEM University which is trailblazing digital building technologies in AEC.

Jipa’s talk centred on smart concrete and he really blew the doors off optimising 3D printed concrete for detailed and precision work. Jipa has a process for 3D printing very thin plastic shells to create formwork. These are then filled with thin layers of high performance concrete, creating 15mm thin tubes of concrete and designs with very fine detail not normally seen in concrete.

As a test, his team entered a boat competition and made a concrete skeleton tubular frame for a 4 metre-long kayak which looked mind-blowing. Another project produced an immensely complex force-optimised concrete ceiling, which had tessellated surfaces for enhanced acoustic performance. Essential viewing that will totally change your mind-set on

View the other NXT BLD 2018 presentations

Mike Leach, Lenovo
Enhancing performance.

Rebecca De Cicco, Digital Node
How Smart Cities, BIM and Digital Construction will alter future skill requirements.


Marc Petit, Unreal Enterprise
The journey to real time.

Hedwig Heinsman, DUS architects / Aectual
Aectual construction – sustainable, customizable, 3D printed.

Dr Abel Maciel, Bartlett School of Architecture
Design Thinking, Teams and Disruptive Technologies.

Dr Max Mallia Parfitt, Fulcro Group
VR and AR visualisation of BIM data: Changes in tech over the last 10 years.

Eleni Papadonikolaki, UCL Bartlett School & Construction Blockchain Consortium
Beyond crypto: Digital translformation in construction through blockchain technologies.

Marianna Kopsida, Trimble
Mixed Reality Solutions for AEC.

Dipa Joshi, Director of Assael Architecture
Smart cities & emerging technologies: Cutting through the noise.

Bruce Bell, Facit Homes
Pre-fabrication has had its day – Digital Construction is the future.

Andrew Watts, Newtecnic
Future Technologies for Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC).

Stefana Parascho, Gramazio Kohler Research
Cooperative robotics in architecture.

Daniel Schmitter, Mirrakoi SA
Xirus: 3D CAD – From Biomedicine to AEC.



NXT BLD is organised by AEC Magazine and brings next generation architecture, engineering and construction technologies to life in an exclusive conference and exhibition. These emerging technologies facilitate new ways of designing, enhancing the use of 3D models, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and offering new possibilities in digital fabrication and construction.

NXT BLD London took place on 13 June at Congress Centre, London in association with Lenovo. The conference covered innovations in digital fabrication, Virtual and Mixed Reality, design visualisation, AI, Blockchain and lots more.


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