NEWS: Rhino users introduced to GPU rendering

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Physically-based renderers from Nvidia and AMD both thrive on graphics card horsepower instead of CPUs

Rhino users are being introduced to the world of GPU rendering with two new physically based renderers from graphics card manufacturers AMD and Nvidia.

Nvidia Iray for Rhino, which uses the same rendering engine as SolidWorks Visualize, works inside Rhino’s viewport. The software, which runs fastest on Nvidia CUDA GPUs, is available for $295 a year.

Iray for Rhino supports the Nvidia vMaterials Library as well as material exchange capabilities with other MDL-compatible applications, such as Iray for MayaIray for 3ds Max or Iray for Cinema 4D. It’s integrated with Rhino’s database for use with Rhino’s layer system which, says Nvidia, allows users to intuitively create materials that reflect the real world.  

Iray for Rhino also works with Iray Server, a distributed rendering solution that can harness a network of machines to speed up the rendering process.

AMD is also developing an interactive photorealistic ray trace renderer for Rhino that works inside the Rhino viewport. Currently in beta, the rendering plug in will be available for the next release of Rhino (version 6), on Mac and PCc. The software, which is optimised for AMD’s FirePro W-Series GPUs, will be a free download.

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