NEWS: Vabi automates daylight checking in Revit

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Vabi Daylight Ratio Evaluator App for Autodesk Revit launches in Autodesk Exchange Apps store

Vabi has added its 4th Autodesk Revit building performance analysis app to the Autodesk Exchange Apps store.

The Vabi Daylight Ratio Evaluator is designed to allow users to achieve optimal lighting comfort and indoor productivity by automatically monitoring the building’s daylight area ratio fully within the Revit enivironment.

“Delivering quick-and-easy, productivity-enhancing, pay-as-you-use performance assessment software right in Autodesk Revit is an absolute imperative for today’s organisations to achieve optimal building lifecycles,” said Frank Schuyer, CEO at Vabi Software International. “This release of our technical communication tools provides goal alignment, decision visibility and supervisory transparency to the whole team during the design process and beyond. They make simulation available to everyone – not just to specialists.”

Vabi Daylight Ratio Evaluator is currently available in the Autodesk Exchange Apps store as a free trial.

Vabi Financial Simulator, Vabi Thermal Comfort Optimizer, and Vabi Spatial Requirements Assistant were made available in the Autodesk Exchange Apps store earlier this month.

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