NXT BLD London 2020 rescheduled to 8 October 2020

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AEC technology conference and exhibition will be held at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London

AEC Magazine has taken the decision to reschedule NXT BLD 2020 to the Autumn. The future architecture, engineering & construction technology conference and exhibition will now take place on 8 October 2020. The venue remains the same – the Queen Elizabeth II Centre London.

“Over the past few months, we have been following Coronavirus developments intently. In light of recent Government announcements and, of course, not wanting to compromise the health or safety of our partners, delegates, employees and others, we are rescheduling NXT BLD 2020, ” said event director Martyn Day.

Over the coming months AEC Magazine will be announcing the updated conference program. Sales of £49 early bird tickets have been extended until July 31.

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