Video: NXT BLD London conference – Tom Greaves, DotProduct

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Reality modelling with phones and tablets – NXT BLD London, June 2017


Until recently, we’ve needed strong muscles, a fat wallet and patience to capture and consume the 3D reality of built environments, explains Tom. Laser scanning a construction site, for example, typically means a $50k+ investment and heavy equipment needs to be carted around the job site. In his presentation Tom shows how a new generation of mobile devices equipped with low-cost 3D sensors and computer vision software can deliver position tracking and 3D reconstruction in real time. And, best of all, they can be operated by anyone.

View the other NXT BLD presentations

■ Tim Geurtjens, MX3D

To print a steel bridge in Amsterdam

■ Faraz Ravi, Bentley Systems

Virtualised environments in infrastructure


■ Mike Leach, Lenovo

Enhancing performance through the workflow

■ Martin McDonnel, Soluis / Sublime

VR, MR, real time viz and the Augmented Worker

■ Dan Harper, Cityscape

Virtual Reality (VR) beyond the hype

Paul Nichols, Skanska

Skanska’s virtual journey

■ Rob Charlton, Space Group

The positive impact of accelerating technologies

Arthur Mamou-Mani, Mamou-Mani

Constructing (and deconstructing) buildings with cable robots

■ Philippe Paré and Akshay Sethi, Gensler

Seeing is believing: using game-changing tools to discover the soul of design

■ Johan Hanegraaf, Mecanoo Architecten

Communicating the certainty of conceptual ideas through immersive means



NXT BLD is organised by AEC Magazine and brings next generation architecture, engineering and construction technologies to life in an exclusive conference and exhibition. These emerging technologies facilitate new ways of designing, enhancing the use of 3D models, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and offering new possibilities in digital fabrication and construction.

NXT BLD London took place on 28 June at The British Museum, London in association with Lenovo. The conference covered innovations in Virtual and Augmented Reality, design visualisation, digital fabrication and AI.


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