Autodesk Takeoff for quantification

Autodesk launches Autodesk Takeoff for quantification

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Cloud-based service to assist estimators with 2D and 3D quantification

Previewed at Autodesk University last year, Autodesk Takeoff is a new cloud-based  service which performs 2D and 3D quantification from Autodesk’s ‘common data environment’.

The company claims this aids collaboration, speed and accuracy during the estimation process. The product joins Autodesk Build and Autodesk BIM Collaborate as part of the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform and is available globally.

Autodesk Takeoff allows estimating teams to:

Visualize project scope with aggregated 2D and 3D takeoff – Takeoff types can be used across both 2D and 3D quantification workflows, allowing worflows from plans and models. Teams can visualise project scope from detailed 3D takeoffs to identify gaps in producing accurate costs and estimates.

See updates in real-time in cloud-based document management – Estimating teams can access the most up-to-date construction documents, drawings and models within Autodesk Docs, the cloud-based document management solution that underpins both Autodesk Build and Autodesk BIM Collaborate. With data stored in one location, teams can feel confident they are not duplicating efforts and doing takeoffs more than once.

Gain multi-user access to projects – Multiple estimators can simultaneously access the same project files to review and perform 2D and 3D takeoff, creating a synchronous workflow. Estimating teams are notified when a document set is updated to ensure they are always working from the latest information.

“The takeoff process has historically been disjointed, cumbersome and time consuming, which creates a lack of transparency, missed deadlines and an increase in errors,” said Sameer Merchant, vice president of construction technology at Autodesk.


“With an integrated 2D and 3D quantification solution that leverages Autodesk Construction Cloud’s centralised document management, Autodesk Takeoff enables teams to update quantities in real-time and ensure they’re working from the latest design files. Autodesk Takeoff allows estimators to easily collaborate to reduce errors, speed up their takeoff process, produce more compelling bids and ultimately win more work.”

AEC Magazine’s view

It’s been a long time coming but Autodesk’s cloud-based construction service is now providing the breadth of functionality originally promised.

The original vision and branding of BIM 360 was perhaps a bit of a false start with Autodesk Construction Cloud being the second generation.

This month has seen a slew of discrete capabilities added to Autodesk Construction Cloud, enabling more complete workflows up and down the supply chain, in both 2D and 3D. However, the core requirement to get these benefits means storing project models and data on Autodesk’s Cloud, which some firms will want to resist.

Once a firm’s data is in Autodesk’s cloud, an ever-increasing raft of services can make use of that to push data downstream to start procurement or construction planning and enable collaboration.

Autodesk Takeoff will undoubtedly drive efficiencies within existing estimation processes and will help increase the quality of data in project documents, at a component-level.


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