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AMD Radeon Pro GPU driver gets brand new UI

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Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 21.Q1 makes it easier for users to access features and adjust settings

AMD has completely redesigned the user interface of its Radeon Pro professional GPU driver.

According to AMD, Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 21.Q1 features a simplified and revamped design that lets users more easily adjust settings while effectively meeting workflow needs.

Features include a new home tab that allows users to access recently used applications, such as Solidworks, Revit and 3ds max, and launch them within Radeon Pro Software. Users have individual per-application control over graphics settings and can adjust fan speeds to help optimise airflow when running demanding workloads in thermally stressful environments to maximize performance

A new performance tab allows users to monitor GPU, CPU, RAM and VRAM utilization, and the driver itself also includes new performance optimisations. According to AMD, the Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 21.Q1 is up to 45% faster in the SPECviewperf 2020 benchmark catia-06 viewset results than AMD Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 20.Q4 when using the Radeon Pro W5700 GPU.

Users also have access to high-resolution screen-recording or video streaming for collaboration, project presentations, training, and team member support.

Finally, Radeon Pro Overlay is a new in-app user interface for ‘one-click access’ to enable features, monitor performance and use the recording and streaming capabilities.

Driver updates for Radeon Pro Software are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of the 2nd month of each quarter.

Radeon Pro Drive 21.Q1
Users have access to screen-recording or video streaming for collaboration, project presentations, training, and team member support
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