NEWS: BIM Show Live announces 2018 date and new awards

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Conference returns to Newcastle from 28 Feb to 1 March 2018, plus BIM Awards on 27 Feb 2018

BIM Show Live 2018 will return to Newcastle’s Boiler Shop on Wednesday 28 February and Thursday 1 March, 2018. The two-day conference will feature a series of keynotes, panel and interactive seminar sessions from BIM and digital construction experts from across the globe, addressing new digital construction technologies; from artificial intelligence to predictive data.

BIM Show Live will also be hosting its inaugural BIM Awards on Tuesday 27 February*, also at the Boiler Shop. The awards feature 17 categories, containing a mixture of submissions from organisations and nominations for individuals.

“We’ve been running the show now for six years, and each year we never fail to present the new and the wonderful,” said BIM Show Live founder and Space Group CEO Rob Charlton. “Our industry is progressing at an accelerated rate and we believe at BIM Show Live we have an obligation to bring our visitors the very best our industry has to offer for technology and digital construction, plus what has changed year-on-year and what this means for future projects.

“And this year we’re introducing a new BIM Awards programme. This is an opportunity to recognise and reward the achievements of construction industry professionals, those pioneers who are leading the way for younger generations and to pass on the mantel of BIM-excellence.”

*The BIM Awards were originally scheduled for November 2, 2017, and were to be held in London.

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