NEWS: CL3VER to unveil pro VR authoring tool at Autodesk University

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New software can streamline VR content creation for AEC professionals direct from Revit, SketchUp, 3ds Max and Rhino

CL3VER 3.3, the latest release of the cloud-based platform for interactive 3D presentations, includes a VR solution that streamlines VR content creation direct from Revit, SketchUp, 3ds Max and Rhino.

The company will be demonstrating the software this week at Autodesk University, as well as demonstrating a streamlined architectural visualization pipeline with partners ArchVision, Chaos Group and irisVR.

CL3VER says the partnerships came about due to a natural flow between the firms’ complementary products. According to the company, ArchVision improves design modelling and visualization with content and content management solutions; Chaos Group is the leading company for rendering solutions, known for its rendering software, V-Ray; while irisVR brings 3D models into Virtual Reality on Oculus Rift glasses.

CL3VER has also released a desktop app designed that will allow users to work with models online and offline. Users can save and open presentations to Windows and OS X devices.

AEC Magazine’s Autodesk University coverage is supported by HP and AMD


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