NEWS: Enscape focuses on realism for version 2.0 release

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Real time rendering and VR tool for Revit and SketchUp boasts more realistic lighting, trees and grass

Enscape version 2.0, the latest release of the real time rendering and VR tool for Revit and SketchUp, places a big emphasis on visual quality and realism. New features include more realistic lighting, geometric grass, and higher quality trees. Version 2.0 also includes an orbit mode and minimap to aid navigation.

The reflections and indirect lighting in Enscape Version 2.0 are now done using real-time path tracing. According to the developers, this new lighting will make it more faithful to reality.

Grass has been made more realistic and can now be represented by real geometry grass blades. Trees have also been reworked and new models are designed to better resemble an architectural rendering look.

Enscape offers a push button workflows from Revt and SketchUp into a real time rendering engine and VR. Changes made to the model are automatically reflected in the engine and in VR. Read our review of Enscape

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