NEWS: IrisVR adds collaborative meetings to VR software

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Multiuser Meetings for Prospect allows up to up to 12 individuals to meet in VR from any location

IrisVR has added a new collaborative meeting technology to its AEC-focused VR tool, Prospect. Multiuser Meetings for Prospect allows project participants to join the same VR meeting with their own headset. Up to 12 individuals can meet in VR, no matter where they are in the world, and communicate using their avatar and through built in voice chat.

According to the developers, the technology eliminates the need to travel to team or client meetings, streamlines review sessions, and helps individuals better communicate about all aspects of a project.

Meetings can be created in seconds. Once inside, everyone can see the same markups, changes to sun settings, and flagged elements, just as they would in an individual Prospect VR experience.

To keep sessions cohesive and organized, users can easily gather or go to other participants. This helps keeps the group unified and progressing through the space together, which is particularly important in large models of stadiums, hospitals, and other spaces with multiple stories and complex geometry.

Prospect Pro Plus users have the ability to create a Multiuser Meeting and invite others. Meanwhile, the free Prospect Viewer allows anyone with a fully immersive VR headset (like HTC Vive & Oculus Rift) and compatible computer to join a meeting.


Multiuser Meetings are available as part of the IrisiVR Prospect free trial.

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