NEWS: IrisVR adds one click support for Navisworks

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Plug-in allows construction teams to perform design review, QA/QC, and coordination at 1:1 scale in VR

IrisVR Prospect 2.3, the latest release of the immersive design review and collaboration tool, now offers one-click support for Navisworks through a beta plug-in.

The developers say the Navisworks beta integration will let construction and engineering teams quickly launch 3D models in VR, meaning faster, more efficient model reviews.

“While the architecture community and some construction firms have been early adopters of VR, the Navisworks plugin now enables construction teams to perform design review, QA/QC, and coordination in 1:1 scale, taking out the ambiguity of 2D coordination and driving much clearer communication,” says IrisVR Co-founder and CEO, Shane Scranton.

The first beta release supports a basic geometry and file structure export that will allow users to select individual elements in VR. IrisVR is already working to expand these capabilities to provide support for full BIM data, advanced clash detection, project timeline tools, and more.

Before the new plug-in, Navisworks was supported via the FBX format but the workflow required extra steps.

The new Prospect release also includes other features beyond the Navisworks integration that are designed to enhance design review workflows for AEC professionals. A new feature will allow users to hide or unhide any selected element which provides greater visibility into the inner workings of a building. Improved teleportation with a door fade feature, section capping, and multiuser meeting host controls are also included in this launch.


Prospect is available on a monthly or annual subscription basis, with three pricing tiers starting at $50/month. The Navisworks plugin is available to customers on any tier.



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