NEWS: KUBUS introduces OpenBIM issue management platform

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BIMcollab tool uses BCF format and cloud to manage BIM model issues

BIMcollab is a new cloud-based issue management system for BIM projects. It is based on the BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) that can be used to inform a software package of issues found in the BIM model by another software tool.

With BIMcollab, issues found with Solibri Model Checker or Tekla BIMsight, for example, can be published to the cloud service. The BIM modeller will be automatically notified and can immediately look up the problematic objects in his or her BIM authoring tool (Revit, ArchiCAD, etc). Once the issue has been fixed, it takes only one click to resolve the issue and report back to the BIM manager.

“Most issue trackers lack key features to support a reliable and smooth BIM workflow for the multidisciplinary construction projects. That is why we created an easy-to-use, though powerful, issue tracking system for BIM projects.” says Erik Pijnenburg CEO of KUBUS, the developer of the software.

“In any construction project many unexpected problems and issues arise which are hard to manage and keep track of. BIMcollab centralises issue management in the cloud and simplifies this process by offering a structured way of storing, sharing and managing issues,” explains Ronald de Graan director of product management at KUBUS. “But more important, you have the information where it’s needed most: directly within your BIM model checker and BIM authoring tools.”

With the introduction of BIMcollab, KUBUS is now offering the full versions of its BCF Manager plug-ins for free. These add-ons for Revit, simplebim and ArchiCAD, which allow users to look up issues within a model and share them, have a direct link to BIMcollab.

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