NEWS: Lumion adds ArchiCAD LiveSync to version 8.5

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Any geometry modifications or materials changes made in ArchiCAD will appear instantly in the real time viz tool

Following on from its LiveSync for Revit and SketchUp, Lumion 8.5 now brings its simultaneous, real-time rendering functionality to ArchiCAD 21. It means architects and designers can set up a real-time visualisation of their ArchiCAD model and then, as soon as any geometry modifications or materials changes are made in ArchiCAD, those changes will appear instantly in Lumion.

LiveSync for ArchiCAD in Lumion 8.5 also includes point-of-view synchronization between ArchiCAD and Lumion.

General features of the real time viz software include dynamic, ‘true-to-life’ environments, ‘fully featured’ landscapes, ‘highly detailed’ materials, ‘photorealistic’ lighting and shadows, and a content library with thousands of objects.

Improved versions of Lumion LiveSync for SketchUp and Lumion LiveSync for Revit have also been released.

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