Latest release of structural analysis and design software includes 350+ updates with a major focus on usability
SCIA Engineer 16, the latest release of the multi-material structural analysis and design tool, includes more than 350 updates and new features including significant enhancements in concrete and steel design.
“This release comes with a long list of enhancements that streamline the entire engineering workflow,” said Hilde Sevens, CEO at SCIA. “Some of the new developments are aimed at solving specific problems for specialty projects; others will impact the day-to-day practice of every engineer. Most of these upgrades were made as a direct result of customer requests.”
For concrete, the software includes new workflows and improved design of beams and columns (Eurocode 2). There’s also a new concrete shear wall and frame module and improved concrete slab and shell design.
For steel there have been improvements to composite floor members, as well as new cold-formed steel design and bi-axial steel connection design tools.
For analysis, the software includes new extensions to 3D results and general plasticity including: output of total and plastic strains, additional yield criterion Drucker-Prager and Mohr-Coulomb.
SCIA has also improved interoperability with Tekla v21.1 export, IFC support for Allplan and import of PDF files into Engineering Report.

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