NEWS: TurboSite Drone to automate aerial reporting

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New software uses the Dronekit SDK from 3D Robotics to add drone support to mobile site reporting tool.

TurboSite Drone from IMSI/Design is said to be the first ever automated aerial reporting app for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The software is based on the mobile site reporting tool TurboSite.

With TurboSite Drone users have the ability to set waypoints in advance of a flight. Doing so autonomously pilots a 3DR-powered vehicle to precise GPS coordinates, allowing users to take photos, videos, dictations, and text notes at that precise spot, as well as assign “punch list” action items for future follow-up.

Using a range of markup and measurement tools, photos can be marked up even while the drone is still airborne. A custom PDF or HTML can be automatically generated and distributed to specific people on the design team before the UAV lands.

“There’s up to 2.5 hours of aerial report creation for every 15 minutes of flight time,” stated Royal Farros, CEO of IMSI/Design. “TurboSite Drone will do away with that, making aerial report creation and distribution one-button simple.”

Doug Cochran, CTO of IMSI and a former practicing architect who worked on large projects such as The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas added: “Drone usage is one of the most exciting innovations to happen to AEC in a long time. The ability to have instant aerial data… and be able to instantly share that aerial data with team members… will change the very foundation of construction management going forward.”

The software will be be available in Q3 2015 and will be available from $19.99 per month. A free fully-functioning download with a two waypoint limit is also available for evaluation purposes.

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