Speech-to-text comment tool and sketch annotation now available for VR-based design review tool
The Wild has added several new features to its cloud-based VR/AR immersive collaboration platform designed for architects and designers using Revit and SketchUp. This includes a new speech-to-text comment tool, a new sketch annotation tool and video support.
The Wild is designed primarily to help teams experience design together, in real time, from anywhere in the world, but when schedules and time zones don’t align, teams can still collaborate asynchronously using speech¬-to¬-text comment annotations in a space.
“VR is great for a lot of things, but typing is not one of them. It’s bulky, frustrating, and inefficient,” according to The Wild design director Melissa Chan. “We want The Wild to be a place where people can communicate easily and naturally—that’s why our Comment tool uses speech-¬to-¬text to record and transcribe your comments.”
With the Comment tool, a user can leave annotations throughout the space for others to see. The name and profile image are attached to the comment, so the teammates know who it’s from. By pulling the VR control trigger and speaking into it, the comment is transcribed and becomes an object that can be moved, placed, and scaled in the space. These annotations will also be visible from the desktop viewer, meaning a VR headset is not required to view them.
To help teams communicate more effectively about spatial concepts, The Wild’s new Sketch tool allows users to mark up and sketch out ideas in VR. Also new is support for video content, allowing architecture and design teams to create more dynamic spaces and evaluate their work more contextually. According to the company, video content helps to add depth and richness to a project, aiding team collaboration and decision-making.

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