
Preoptima introduces Carbon Twins

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Preoptima software mirrors design choices in real time, ‘instantly’ evaluating the impact on whole life carbon (WLC)

Preoptima has launched its ‘Carbon Twin’ software for creating dynamic carbon replicas of as-designed and as-built assets.

The cloud platform and API combine transparent and geolocated carbon coefficient data with real structural modelling, regulatory compliance, and accurate material quantities to create Carbon Twins that facilitate ongoing optimisation and embodied carbon avoidance of building designs.

Users can import their own geometry or use the built in generative design tool to analyse ‘hundreds of thousands of low-carbon design iterations in minutes.’

According to the climate tech startup, unlike other life cycle assessment (LCA) software which requires material quantities information to perform an assessment, Preoptima’s early-stage material quantities generation lowers the barrier to entry for all building stakeholders to mitigate the carbon in their projects.

Other new features include the integration of building services (MEP) and operational energy modelling using UK and US grid decarbonisation scenarios.

Preoptima expects the software will be able to model all required building systems and types, as well as existing buildings by the close of this year.


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