One Click LCA

Symetri partners with One Click LCA

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Agreement to help Symetri’s customers make carbon-smart material selections for both buildings and building products

Symetri, a provider of solutions for design, engineering, construction and manufacturing firms, has formed a new partnership with One Click LCA, a developer of construction Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) software.

In addition to a global technology reseller agreement, the agreement includes a technology partnership which allows Symetri to use One Click LCA’s database as part of Symetri Technology.

According to Mikko Viertola, CTO, Symetri Group, the aim is to enable Symetri’s customers to make carbon-smart material selections for both buildings and building products.

Building LCA (Lifecycle Assessment) is a science-based methodology for quantifying the lifetime environmental impacts of a building. One Click LCA has been designed to make the assessment easy by embedding the methodology into a tool.

According to Symetri, the software helps to measure and reduce the environmental impacts of buildings, achieve green building certifications, and comply with regulations that are a mandatory part of planning in many countries.

The environmental targets of the construction industry also extend to the products used to build. Thus, manufacturers have begun to meet the increasing need to produce Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) to reliably quantify and communicate the lifetime environmental impact of a product.

Symetri explains that One Click LCA’s Product LCA and EPD solution provides manufacturers with an easy solution to produce 3rd party verified EPDs based on European and international Standards.



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