VREX point clouds in VR

VREX adds support for point clouds in VR

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Latest release of collaborative VR software helps AEC teams identify critical differences between planned and as-built structures

VREX now offers direct support for point clouds in VR in its BIM collaboration software.

According to the Norwegian company, combining BIM models with point clouds in VR makes it easy to perform visual inspections and understand the current status of any construction project.

Users simply upload an E57 point cloud file and any other BIM models to VREX and it will automatically be ready for collaborative meetings.

The projects can be shared and viewed by anyone you want at any time, either by using a VR headset like the Oculus Rift, Quest 2 or HTC Vive, or with the VREX desktop viewer.

“One of our core company principles is our commitment to provide virtual collaboration for everyone, from the BIM experts to the worker on the ground, from the project owner to the cleaning crew,” says Hans Johansen, CEO at VREX.

“We are constantly expanding the number of file types we integrate with and ways to enter virtual reality. With Point Cloud support, it’s easy to understand if there are critical differences due to a mismatch between planned and as-built structures, empowering the best possible decision-making and most efficient construction processes.”

Rune Vandli, CPO at VREX, adds “We’ve also seen point cloud-driven VR meetings be beneficial for rehab projects of all sizes. Not only does it help project teams better understand the context and proposed solutions, it also makes it easier to collaborate.


“Clients, installers, or sub-contractors can get instant access to view the design in a medium that everyone understands much more than 2D plans.”

VREX supports a wide range of 3D formats through integrations with Navisworks, BimTrack, Bimsync, and StreamBIM. OpenBIM (IFC), Siemens (JT), and Point Clouds (E57) are supported through direct upload or BIM360.

Meawhile, read AEC Magazine’s round up of the latest AEC-focused collaborative VR tools.


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