Spaces on iPad

Spaces embraces multicore processing on Apple iPad

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Sketch-based conceptual design tool can harness full power of iPad to accelerate background tasks

Spaces, the AEC focused sketch-based conceptual design tool, can now harness the power of multiple cores on the Apple iPad.

According to the company, this can benefit users in two ways. First, specific tasks can be split into multiple pieces and performed in parallel. So, for example, a process in four parts will finish almost four times as fast as it previously did.

Second, many tasks can now run in the background, so users can continue to explore their ideas without waiting for these processes.

One feature that is already benefitting from the background parallel processing is the Sketch Recognition Engine, which is designed to automate and improve the overall quality of Spaces models.

According to Spaces, sketch inaccuracy is fine during the early design stages of design, which is all about exploration. However, as users develops their ideas and start focusing on specific concepts, they want to increase the accuracy of their drawing and, as a by-product, the accuracy of their model.

When sketching with the Apple Pencil the Sketch Recognition Engine can compare each stroke drawn to existing strokes and model items to snap the stroke parallel or perpendicular. Or, if the user is dividing up the project into spaces, strokes can be snapped automatically to existing elements to help ensure accurate junctions, leading to a ‘clean and precise’ model.

As much of this recognition runs in the background, the developers explain that the overall sketching speed of Spaces is not impacted. Spaces says the Sketch Recognition Engine will improve with every release.



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