Autodesk BIM 360 hooked into VR

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Insite VR integration allows users of the construction management platform to host group model review in VR

Autodesk has announced an integration between InsiteVR and its construction management platform Autodesk BIM 360, that will allow customers to host group model reviews in VR. Instead of screensharing, team members can review models in an immersive 3D environment by using a VR headset, including Facebook’s new all-in-one Oculus Quest virtual reality system, or desktop.

Like a conference call for virtual reality, InsiteVR lets AEC project teams review their 3D models together in VR to identify and resolve issues, removing the need to travel to meetings or build physical mock ups to address complex project issues between disciplines.

For more information on the integration, join this May 7 webinar where Angel Say, CEO at InsiteVR, and Andy Leek, VP of Technology & Innovation at PARIC Corporation, will demonstrate how VR can streamline planning and coordination.

During this webinar participants will learn how to:

  • Host VR Meetings with BIM 360 Models to improve coordination
  • Connect BIM models from BIM 360 to InsiteVR
  • Create issues with InsiteVR speech-to-text that are automatically synced with BIM 360 issues

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