Fujitsu Celsius mobile workstation competition winners announced

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Two winners scoop a Fujitsu Celsius H730 15.6-inch mobile workstation with Nvidia Quadro K1100M graphics

In September, AEC magazine and its sister publication DEVELOP3D teamed up with Fujitsu and Nvidia to bring you a competition with prizes of epic proportions.

The three winners of this Fujitsu Celsius mobile workstation competition were drawn out of a rather large hat earlier this month.

Congratulations go to William Campbell, product designer at a US-based green energy storage start up and David Williamson, principal design engineer at Linn Products Ltd, who will both take home a Fujitsu Celsius H730 mobile workstation, powered by Nvidia Quadro K1100M graphics.

William Campbell, who uses a variety of software including SolidWorks, Pro/E, Alias Studio, Rhino, Inventor, V-ray for Rhino, Photoshop and Illustrator, commented on his prize, “I will be putting this [mobile workstation] to great use in my personal freelance industrial design activities, and additionally in my spare time hobbiest work designing and building electric guitars and stompboxes.

“It has been a crazy ride the last few years; family + work + freelance + hobbies + friends all keeps me pretty busy. Being mobile will certainly help”, he added.

David Williamson runs the mechanical and acoustic Design team at HiFi manufacturer Linn Products which uses SolidWorks to help design the latest digital streaming Exakt systems, along with more traditional products like the LP12 record player.


“The Laptop will be used for off site visits with suppliers, and running acoustic optimisation calculations for Exakt at retailer and customer events,” he explained.

Giovanni Benedetti from Studio di Ingegneria delle Strutture in Italy scooped the runner up prize — a Fujitsu Stylistic M532 ultra-slim 10.1-inch tablet.

AEC magazine would like to thank everyone that entered and our very generous sponsors, Fujitsu and Nvidia. We are already planning our next competition.

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