NEWS: Murphy Surveys offers ArchiCAD-ready point cloud models

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Surveying firm harnesses ArchiCAD’s built-in point cloud technology to produce detailed models

Murphy Surveys has partnered with Graphisoft UK to deliver point cloud modelling services and ArchiCAD models to the UK and Ireland markets. The surveying specialist uses point cloud technology within ArchiCAD to create the native detailed models.

“Having a model created directly from a point cloud not only saved us time and money upfront at the outset of the project, but the fact that it was provided in native ArchiCAD format meant that we could start work on the model immediately, delivering the project in a shorter timeframe and with higher accuracy,” explained ArchiCAD user Stuart Archer from Waugh Thistleton Architects.

“Further enhancing these benefits, Murphy Surveys can also be commissioned to build models using customer templates meaning a practice’s own BIM standards are adhered to and even less rework is required,” added Adrian Girling, managing director of Graphisoft UK.

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