Veras Forma

Veras brings AI visualisation to Forma

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Software uses AI to generate visualisations from 3D models in Autodesk’s conceptual design tool

Veras, the AI-powered visualisation tool for SketchUp, Revit, Rhino and the web, is now available for Autodesk Forma.

The software uses 3D model geometry as a ‘substrate for creativity and inspiration’. Users input prompts or preferences, then the AI engine generates a spectrum of design ideas.

Users have the ability to override geometry and materials with simple sliders. Geometry override, for example, specifies the amount the geometry will change from the original model.

Other features include render selection which allows users to render specific regions of their designs. The users simply selects a portion of their image, redefines their vision with a new prompt, and then ‘renders’. Use cases include an interior designer looking to swap out furniture, a visualisation artist wanting to transform backgrounds, or an architect focused on refining specific building elements.

Veras also includes an Explore Mode, which offers pre-made settings and configurations; and seed-based rendering, to help users generate variations of designs.

Find this article plus many more in the January / February 2024 Edition of AEC Magazine
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