Video: NXT BLD London conference – Tim Geurtjens, MX3D

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To print a steel bridge in Amsterdam – NXT BLD London, June 2017


In this inspirational talk, Tim shares his thoughts on the latest developments in Digital Fabrication and where he thinks things will go in the future. He explains how he was drawn into advanced robotics to develop the MX3D printers that can print metal objects of theoretically unlimited size, and presents MX3D’s plan to ‘print’ the first steel bridge in the world over one of the oldest canals in Amsterdam. The ambitious project is set for completion in 2018. Essential viewing.

View the other NXT BLD presentations

Tom Greaves, DotProduct

Reality modelling with phones and tablets (linked)

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NXT BLD is organised by AEC Magazine and brings next generation architecture, engineering and construction technologies to life in an exclusive conference and exhibition. These emerging technologies facilitate new ways of designing, enhancing the use of 3D models, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and offering new possibilities in digital fabrication and construction.

NXT BLD London took place on 28 June at The British Museum, London in association with Lenovo. The conference covered innovations in Virtual and Augmented Reality, design visualisation, digital fabrication and AI.


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